Office Irmgard Klein Building: Sanderring 2 Room: 297. Hinweis zum Datenschutz. Nahost; Amerika; Energie und Umwelt; Marktbeobachtung; Chemie und Gesundheit; Neue Bundesländer) (kontinuierlich), GeschäftsführerIn AHK Thailand (Frist: 22.3.2015), RegionalmanagerIn Zollernalb IHK Reutlingen (eingestellt am 5.12.2014), Praktikum bei der Wüstenrot Haus- und Städtebau GmbH Ludwigsburg, Trainee/BerufseinsteigerInnen bei der DIHK in Berlin (kontinuierlich), Praktika und Traineestellen AHK Chile (kontinuierlich), PraktikantIn Netzoptimierung bei Vodafone München (kontinuierlich), PraktikantIn bei der Statistikstelle der Stadt Würzburg (kontinuierlich). Team. Welcome to our online job platform Find your new job! Mit 'OK' verlassen Sie die Seiten der Universität Würzburg und werden zu Facebook weitergeleitet. For enquiries concerning secretarial tasks please contact: Sebastian Michel Secretary Room 00.001C Phone: +49 (0)931 31-84433 Fax: +49 (0)931 31-814740 Email: 97074 Würzburg Raum B351. | Directions, Phone +49 9721 940-5 This programmes gives students the opportunity to pursue two master's degrees from two universities in just two years. Email: Intern; DE; UNIVERSITY. Wir vertreten Eure Belange an der Universität und bieten Euch zusätzlich ein breites Feld an Partys, kulturellen und informativen Veranstaltungen, aber auch viele Möglichkeiten Euch zu engagieren! Teaching . Finden Sie hier Ihren neuen Job! zulassungsbeschränkt ( … Thus, my research and teaching look closely at media ecologies and the material forms (print, visual, and digital) that they foster. Herzlich willkommen auf der Website der uniweiten Studierendenvertretung der Universität Würzburg. Bewirb dich jetzt! Companies are welcome to place job advertisements. "Marktplatz freie Stellen" im Bayerischen Behördennetz Der vom Finanzministerium eingerichtete „Marktplatz freie Stellen“ unterstützt die Ressorts bei der Neubesetzung freier Stellen durch bereits beim Freistaat Bayern tätige Beschäftigte.Er unterstützt die Beschäftigten des Freistaates Bayern bei ihrer Suche nach neuen Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten. University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. Uni Jobs in Würzburg - April 2021 | Jobbörse Hinweis zum Datenschutz. 1999-2000 Otto Hahn Fellow and visitor at the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, USA 2000-2002 Senior Researcher, Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching (MPA) 2002-2009 Associate Professor, University Würzburg You can send the record-sheet separately per email to the same address. Institut für Geographie Tel: 0931 31 84946 Fax: 0931 31 84113. Aktuelle Stellenangebote der Alumni Geographie: Praktika Trade & Invest (verschieden, z.B. Schedule for summer semester 2021. For information on the collection and processing of data by Facebook, refer to the social network's data privacy statement. Mit 'OK' verlassen Sie die Seiten der Universität Würzburg und werden zu Facebook weitergeleitet. Student Group. ... Würzburg July 20th 2020 . Das Studienangebot der Uni Würzburg sortiert nach verschiedenen Studienfeldern. University for apllied science Würzburg-Schweinfurt. There, students can find opportunities for. Phone +49 931 31 85656 or +49 931 31 80474 For information on the collection and processing of data by Facebook, refer to the social network's data privacy statement. Entdecke 23 Uni Jobs in Würzburg mit Bewertungen und Gehältern auf Indeed I Finde noch heute den Job, der zu Dir passt! Hinweis zum Datenschutz . E-Mail servicezentrale-wue[at] Deine Jobbörse für Würzburg & Umgebung Jobs Würzburg "Ich bin auf Jobsuche in Würzburg!" This master program called "Satellite Technology - Advanced Space Systems" was selected as one of the few elite courses by the " Elitenetzwerk Bayern ", a Bavarian government initiative to attract the best science talents to Bavarian … Email, Regionalentwicklung München und Niederbayern (Herbst 2013), Metropole Basel im Dreiländereck (Herbst 2012), Leipzig: Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr (Frühjahr 2012), Faculty of Arts. Berlin; Frankfurt/Main und Aschaffenburg; Regionalentwicklung München und Niederbayern (Herbst 2013) Metropole Basel im Dreiländereck (Herbst 2012) Leipzig: Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr (Frühjahr 2012) Würzburg: Klima & Wein (Sommer 2008) Newsletterarchiv; Deutsch Intern. dd) a Bachelor degree from an Englisch Teaching University ee) any certificate issued by the admission commitee of the Faculty of Biology from the University of Würzburg after approving of English skills based on the assessment of a Bachelor thesis written in English language, of a language course other than specified above or an interview held in English language. 9 years ago by @krissis. E-Mail: Kontakt: Universität Würzburg GmbH für Bildungs- und Campusdienstleistungen, 0931/ 329871-00, [email protected] Anmeldung / Registrierung {{ errorMessage }} E-Mail servicezentrale-sw[at] Historical, Philological, Cultural and Geographical Studies, Liste möglicher Praktikum- und Arbeitgeber für Geographen des Geographischen Instituts der Uni Freiburg, SFT - Servicezentrum Forschung und Technologietransfer. Institut für Sportwissenschaft: Bildung & Bewegung Würzburg. Informationen zu den dort erfassten Daten und deren Verarbeitung finden Sie in deren Datenschutzerklärung. Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt. (Office Management) Room 03.005. Herzlich willkommen in unserer Hochschuljobbörse! University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. 97074 Würzburg. Student Assistant Office . Tel: 0931 31 84946 Fax: 0931 31 84113. : +49 931 31 - 80243 E-Mail: By clicking 'OK' you are leaving the web sites of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and will be redirected to Facebook. Hier finden Sie Informationen (z.B. By clicking 'OK' you are leaving the web sites of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and will be redirected to Twitter. Mit 'OK' verlassen Sie die Seiten der Universität Würzburg und werden zu Facebook weitergeleitet. Öffentliche Ausschreibungen der Universität Würzburg; Interne Stellenbörse der Universität Würzburg ; Marktplatz freie Stellen im Bayerischen Behördennetz; Stellengesuche; Karriereportal CareerLink Die Universität Würzburg nutzt für externe Stellen- und Praktikumsangebote das Karriereportal CareerLink. However, at the same time, our research is methodically innovative and adheres to the … July 2020: 8th call starts ; 4th September 2020, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm: Introduction to the program & seminar event To attend, please register here. Kombinationsregeln) zu den verschiedenen Studienabschlüssen, die an der Uni Würzburg erworben werden können zulassungsbeschränkt (Uni) bzw. | Directions, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Application, Enrolment, Exams, Internship, About the Campus for Professional Development, Computer Science and Business Information Systems, Department of Public Affairs and Communications, Official Publications (in Chronological Order), General information regarding your application, Applying for bachelor´s degree programmes with restricted admission, Language entrance requirements by programme, Terms and Conditions for Campus for Professional Development and Campus for Language Proficiency, Social Work Among Refugees (in German only), Qualified Medical Assistant (in German only), Data protection declaration for the Campus for Language Proficiency, Registration Form English Courses for Students & Externals, Studying with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses, Campus Ignaz Schön, Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Campus Konrad Geiger, Konrad-Geiger-Straße 2, Online Job Exchange for Students and Graduates - Hochschul-Jobbörse, Job offers for graduates with professional experience. Bewerbungen richten Sie bitte bis 30.11.2020 per Mail an Studienfelder. THE ECONOMICS OF TAX PLANNING, ACCOUNTING FRAUD, AND BUSINESS ETHICS (online) Course period: July 18 th – July 26 th, 2021 Date of the exam: July 26 th, 2021 Credits earned: 5 ECTS Course coordinators: Prof. Dr. Lenz and Prof. Dr. Kiesewetter; University of Würzburg Target group: BSc and MSc students in Business Management or Economics Form of assessment: written online exam (60 min.) Studentische Hilfskraft für das Projekt uni@school gesucht! Masterarbeit in Immunologie: AG Lutz Masterarbeit Anergie.pdf Institut für Virologie und Immunbiologie; Stellenangebote; Hinweis zum Datenschutz. Opening Hours Mo, We and Fri: 8.00 am - 12.00 pm; Tu and Thu: 12.00 pm - 4.00 pm; Professor Prof. Dr. Pibernik. Informationen zu den dort erfassten Daten und deren Verarbeitung finden Sie in deren Datenschutzerklärung. For inquiries please contact me by e-mail and leave a telephone number such that I can call you back. University: Field of Study Institution: End Date PhD Studies: Field of Studies Institution: End Date State doctorate/Assistant Professorship: Field of Studies Institution: End Date Employment (current) Current Employment as Date of Hire: Employer fixed-term work contract (Date) Teaching Experience: Start - End: Contact Hours Type and Title (short) 1. NEW – Color Code In order to make your planning easier, we have colored the workshops according to the stage of your PhD. Research. Jobbörse; Exkursionen. Research. - 3. University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. To university. Würzburg, one of Germany's most beautiful cities, has a history that dates back more than 1,300 years. Jobbörse der Universität. In Research, relevance and rigor are respected by applying theoretically established, formal methods to answer research questions, which have high relevance in the real world (particularly in Logistics and Supply Chain Management).We conduct research in order to develop new insights and solutions. Room 03.011. 5; 2; 9; Job offers. Studentische Unternehmensberatung: c&c Würzburg e.V. Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Würzburg Please send your application documents latest until the mentioned application deadline via email (as one pdf-document with max size 7 MB) to the email address More than 30,000 students make for a vivid city with a rich and exciting cultural, pub and club scene. Administration Eva Hedrich, M. A. Am Hubland Roughly two weeks before the start of your programme, you will receive an invitation by email to access WueCampus. - 2. A double degree programme is an integrated international course of study that takes place partly at the University of Würzburg and partly at an international partner university, in this case at the University of Ghent or at University of Verona. Hinweis zum Datenschutz. Jobbörse. 97074 Würzburg, Fax: +49 931 31-85556 5; 0; 0; New jobs. DE; EN; DE; EN; 3; 8; 0; Employers. Berlin; Frankfurt/Main und Aschaffenburg; Regionalentwicklung München und Niederbayern (Herbst 2013) Metropole Basel im Dreiländereck (Herbst 2012) Leipzig: Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr (Frühjahr 2012) Würzburg: Klima & Wein (Sommer 2008) Newsletterarchiv Mit 'OK' verlassen Sie die Seiten der Universität Würzburg und werden zu Facebook weitergeleitet. Map Those interaction partners play a role in diverse processes. Protein-dynamic of MYC/MYCN complexes MYC proteins interact with a variety of other proteins. Bei fachlichen Fragen bitte wenden Sie sich an den Vorsitzenden des Verfahrens Prof. Trauzettel (, +49 931 31-83638). Timeline. Unless indicated otherwise, all workshops take place in the GSLS seminar rooms 01.001/01.002, Beatrice-Edgell-Weg 21, 97074 Würzburg, Hubland North Campus. Therefore, by changing interaction partners MYC can regulate different processes. University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. Documents should be in the original language, and in officially certified translations into English or German. dd) a Bachelor degree from an Englisch Teaching University ee) any certificate issued by the admission commitee of the Faculty of Biology from the University of Würzburg after approving of English skills based on the assessment of a Bachelor thesis written in English language, of a language course other than specified above or an interview held in English language. Deadline is the 15th of September 2020. Lehrstuhl für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie Biozentrum Am Hubland 97074 Würzburg Raum B351. Talk in the Colloquium on Mathematics at the University of Mainz, December 05th: ... Anmeldung per E-Mail an Office Hours (until further notice only by e-mail or phone): Monday-Thursday, 2pm - 4pm. Informationen zu den dort erfassten Daten und deren Verarbeitung finden Sie in deren Datenschutzerklärung. I am particularly interested in how modernization processes intersect with cultural production practices. 97070 Würzburg. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems. Founded in 1402, the University of Würzburg is among the oldest universities in Europe. News & Dates. Abschlüsse. Konstantin Kloos Conferred Doctorate. Map Because of the corona virus, most courses will be conducted online in this winter semester. Uni würzburg jobs studenten. ... Weitere Job-Möglichkeiten bietet die Jobbörse im Career-Service der Universität Würzburg. There, students can find opportunities for Our programme makes use of WueCampus, the digital learning environment of the University of Würzburg. The Hochschul-Jobbörse contains offers for working students or regular job offers. Phone +49 931 3511-0 You can send your application by mail to the GSLS office or by email as a single PDF file to The Buddy Programme of the Faculty of Business Management and Economics of the University of Würzburg offers assistance to newly-arrived exchange students from our partner universities. All you need about application, job interview and assessment center. Marie Beckmann Rebecca Grözinger. Among many other Bavarian universities the FHWS takes part in the project Hochschul-Jobbörse.. Career Service; Recruiting Events; Our Partners; For Employers; Career Service. Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. „Alumni Geographie Würzburg“ e.V. Welcome to the information portal of our international master program in Satellite Technology (taught in English) at the University of Würzburg. Recruiting Events . Jobbörse; Exkursionen. Tel. Research Interests. The Coimbra Group is an association of 41 European research universities, all of which are long-standing, comprehensive and renowned universities ( Coimbra Group has its Office in Brussels, at the interface between the Coimbra Group Universities and the EU institutions. The city offers a lot of famous sights, above all the UNESCO World Heritage Site Würzburg Residence. Among many other Bavarian universities the FHWS takes part in the project Hochschul-Jobbörse. The Hochschul-Jobbörse contains offers for working students or regular job offers. 3. Please follow the University of Würzburg guidelines when obtaining certified copies and/or translations of your documents.