Affirmations have become very popular in recent years. Article from . I began this writing as a letter to a friend who has suffered severe damage from inhalation of fumes from his work as a luthier. To magic and wonder, it is the key For we are so much more than what we see. The new science of neuroplasticity has shown that the way you think can regrow brain cells and change the structure and function of your brain. Sometimes an extreme statement like that can jar you loose from old conditioning (many other experiences can also break old conditioning! Continue your communication by going to the Art and DNA page and participating in the first activity. Log in. I began this writing as a letter to a friend who has suffered severe damage from inhalation of fumes from his work as a luthier. Yet this DNA is coiled up inside the nucleus of a single cell. Heal to perfection now. I'm not sure that harmonizing your intentions towards an end result is necessarily a Secret, but there does seem to be a lot of hype and naive expectations about a fairly simple concept. How many hours of a human life has it been reported that you are waiting? I find myself rambling on declaring statement after statement about what ‘I’ want my DNA to do. Observations of both DNA in the donor and the donor's DNA sample in a distant location recorded identical reactions to the videos at the exact same time. DNA lives in our core. How did a thought start that astoundingly complex series of physical actions that results in a wiggle? Numerous anecdotes suggest spontaneous healing in seriously ill patients who claim to have only prayed or changed their attitude. Can the same power that wiggles your thumb also instruct your cells to reproduce themselves with a cleaner blueprint? Does information from your brain to your body travel on the quantum level? Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. 05.01.2020 - Der Beste ideen DIY hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Connected to the unified field of the universe, they react to our thoughts to make our wishes a reality by attracting people, things and experiences, which we desire and think about most. Chanting is an ancient practice, which has long been used as a way of aligning oneself with spirit. Photons reaction to DNA show how mere DNA effects light. Some Eastern scientists, yogis for example, work in the laboratory of their own bodies. Within the DNA is the encoding DNA which is the protein sequences that make us who we are physically, and non-encoding or ‘junk DNA’. Forgive. Opportunity lies in your breath; it’s something you can’t do without so you might as well direct it! Share for the highest good. Article from But she says it takes more than that to see the process unfold in yourself. Sign up. Try it on other parts of your body. Play with this feeling colors and clarity, allowing movement and transformation. But, did you know that each of your cells has 46 chromosomes and each chromosome is one long piece of DNA? ", 6. In another experiment, the US military took a DNA sample from a donor. Don't believe it? . They stretch and sit, breathe and sing, juggle thoughts in the brain or empty the brain entirely, all in an effort to Contemplate the Actual, and apply an enlightening intention. Like getting a spaceship off the earth, you have to build the vehicle and the launch pad. Bring to my awareness all talents, gifts and information. You are the master. It is ancient air that surrounds the earth filled with everything you would ever want to know. The ability of a person to change their own brain, was first suggested in scientific literature in 1890 by philosopher and psychologist William James. Wir setzen diese Arbeit von Künstler Marlis Jermutus in Ihrer Reichweite. The donor watched various videos of emotional situations. In the process of old cells dying and new ones being created, our bodies are almost completely renewed about once a year. Heal. Some people have a problem with that phrase of mine, as they should. It is said that when chanting aum, one's human form and consciousness vibrates in harmony with the fundamental vibration of the universe, and as the universe has a "stronger" voice, the human becomes "tuned" to the greater vibration. This air circulates around that world – Do you see it is something thing we all share. In breathing out we expel all that would be unnecessary, releasing what’s not needed. I began simply with statements of acknowledgement and empowerment. What happens when the American Medical Association finds itself in the same quandary when physicists tell doctors that a thought can heal. Do they have to pass on that modified information? I have chosen two models as examples because one, Jasmuheen's, offers a familiar ethical formula, while the other, the Leary/Wilson model, offers a roadmap of formulas. Small talk can lead to great loss of energy, especially when we talk about our emotions. Want to talk to your DNA? ", 4. or read about The Scientist at The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension. The emotional-territorial winner: "I am free; you are free; we can have our separate trips or we can have the same trip. ", "I ask that all my sharing in each moment be for the highest good ", 1. She usually begines her affirmations with the phrase, "Dear Mother/Father Creator God" as a descriptor for that cosmic organizing principle that reflects and amplifies your intention. In much the same way a musician makes physical changes to the structure of the brain simply by practicing musical exercises, stroke victims can train their brains to recreate lost abilities. Jasmuheen might say the same about prana. Your thoughts can cause all sorts of movement in the physical universe. You can try different methods and choose what feels best to your body. For you are in charge, you run the show How did your thought to wiggle your thumb actually wiggle the thumb? of Ibid), 5. Skeptics would say that Jasmuheen has a similar easy answer to those who find that living on light doesn't work for them. Jul 17, 2019 - Talk To Your DNA. A whisper in a quite place Discovery in such a tiny space. And if you don't believe you can consciously interact with the prana swirling through your system, then you won't receive the benefits. You will love this diversion and it can be played any time day or night. I said or thought things like, “I know that you are building new DNA every second in every bit of me, so build new healthy strands”, “Build strands not in old patterns of disease but as whole and new”, “You know what you are doing, don’t be lazy and just copy old bad DNA, make new healthy strands.”. One of the more spectacular discoveries in quantum physics demonstrates the ability of information to travel faster than the speed of light. And here is where it gets sticky. Try this breathing exercise which we found at, “Smart is the one who can sit in stillness”, Busy mind: When I try to sit in stillness my mind knowing of my intent begins a procession of thoughts that can not be contained, “Clever is the one who can still his mind”. How to talk to your DNA. She points out that any name will work as long as your intention remains consistent. Peale's approach has been ridiculed ever since, in part because of its religiosity, but primarily, I believe, because people don't think complex psychological or physiological forces can be modified by thought and intention alone. Pinterest. 4M followers followers He's gone through the worst of what modern medicine can offer (drugs and surgery), without lasting relief, and he now plans to return to his native Australia and go on a "walkabout," subjecting himself to the vagaries of the Australian desert, the traditional Aboriginal method of "reaching the next level. If you were to stretch out the DNA from those 46 chromosomes and lay it end to end, it would be over four feet in length. The Minds Journal. ", I suggested he might try, as per the suggestion of Dr. John Lilly, "reprogramming the human biocomputer.". Like sound waves vibrating through the atmosphere, information on the quantum level appears to travel through a medium or via a mechanism scientists are just beginning to unravel. In recent years the New Age movement has spawned numerous belief systems, many similar to, or based on, Eastern practices, that claim to enable or at least explain hidden powers. Explore different expressions, rhythms and tones in your chanting! I agree, but I would also suggest that since that cosmic organizing principle is not at all separate from us, then perhaps we don't need any name. We can describe the bio-electrical and chemical processes that causes voluntary wiggling of the muscles, but that doesn't completely answer the question. Also useful to keep in mind when considering one's efforts at conscious evolution . And you could fit ONE THOUSAND nuclei (new-clee-eye) across the period at the end of this sentence. He then introduced a strand of DNA, and after a while the photons lined up along side the DNA, exactly mirroring it's spiral shape. Heal, renew. Human intention organizes the pieces into a moving scenario. This, of course, is different than flipping a light switch and seeing light. If you are fully "non-attached" in the Buddhistic sense, then you are already enlightened, and therefore already fully conscious of your relationship to light. This faster-than-light quantum connection between physical objects, this "action at a distance" or "non-locality" demonstrates a form of communication so radical in it's implications that many modern physicists are afraid of entering the discussion for fear of appearing heretical. You may already have some preconceived ideas of how DNA should look. Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, (, (, (Have a Nice DNA, Enjoy Your Cells by Frances R. Balkwill and Mic Rolph), Communication with your DNA is not a difficult process and can be as personal and unique as you would like for it to be. The neuroatomic winner: "In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true, or becomes true within certain limits to be learned by experience and experiment." I've centered this article on the struggle over one's attachment to belief systems, largely because this is the biggest challenge I face on my path to consciousness expansion. A Programming and Self Healing Affirmation drawn from Jasmuheen's "Living on Light", "Dear Mother/Father Creator God, I ask that each and every moment of each day unfold in complete and perfect alignment with the Divine Will, in Divine timing. Breathe out what’s left behind. We are told that to live on light, you have to believe you can live on light. Busy mind: When the procession begins I try to focus my intent and call for stillness in my mind but my mind doesn’t seem to listen. Your old conditioning serves as the ground you push against in your effort to leap forward. A Russian scientist working in the US created a vacuum in which a small number of photons were randomly dispersed. visibly lengthened, seemingly relaxing as the spiral form unwound. That might provide interesting information. Currently studies are underway which seem to indicate that DNA is a loop instead of a strand! Website Designs by Pelorian Digital, Leary/Wilson model of the Eight Circuits of the Brain, NPR interview with science writer Sharon Begley. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. Jasmuheen offers programming scripts that serve to focus your intention. Winding, twisting and making more DNA lives in our core, To magic and wonder, it is the key For we are so much more than what we see, Talk to yourself and listen too There is so much more that you can do, A whisper in a quite place Discovery in such a tiny space, Where God, our history, our true self sits Awaiting your call to begin to assist, For you are in charge, you run the show Wakeup your makeup and let yourself grow. He's gone through the worst of what modern medicine can offer (drugs and surgery), without lasting relief, and he now plans to return to his native Australia and go on a "walkabout," subjecting himself to the vagaries of the Australian desert, the … You may need to understand something about melody, harmony and rhythm. Of course, you have to learn the melody and lyrics. Watching someone eat may teach you something about nutrition, but it won't do much for your own body's hungry cells. Researchers in this experiment recorded what they believe to be low levels of nuclear fusion, biological fusion, seemingly a power source generated from within the cell that was not the product of burning fuel (food digestion). ), but usually not everything you know is wrong, and normally you have to wisely use what you know of your current situation to navigate to the next level. This is truth whether I eat, sleep, exercise or meditate. Jul 17, 2019 - Talk To Your DNA. There are so many ways for busy mind to breathe. Even going so far as to reminding my DNA to ‘wake me up’ to the things I may already know and stimulate my awareness to the synchronicities in my life. See more ideas about talking to you, spirituality, starseed. Still, a leap of faith is required, or what my thoughtful friend Marlis just described as "jumping over your shadow." Doctors have no better explanation in these cases. Jasmuheen's assertions about living on light offer an excellent point for discussion, as living without food has to be one of the most startling ideas any "personal trainer" could suggest. Where God, our history, our true self sits Awaiting your call to begin to assist. Many scientific and artist representations have been created of DNA. Emotions based in Love such as Gratitude and Compassion will alter and Open DNA. Talk To Your DNA. You may need to train your voice for the best effect. but in the end, you just sing. In the modern science of neuroplasticity, brain cells and new neural pathways are intentionally created through mental and physical exercises. Find calm comfort, listen to your breath. ", "Release, forgive. WOW! I suppose you could spend a month with Jasmuheen, watching her mouth very carefully. Do your intentions leave your brain and become immediately reflected onto an omnipresent grid that overlays our reality, instantaneously connecting one point on the grid with all other points? The neurosomatic winner: "How I feel depends on my neurological knowhow. I would like to believe her, as her story is what most of us on the fringe have been expecting - the direct application of mystic concepts supported by ideas in quantum physics. Today. Article from . Following her text is my interpretation wherein I turn the affirmation into a conversation with myself. The Minds Journal. I laugh when the cosmic jokers say "everything you know is wrong." ", "All my bodies are tuned, toned, fit and healthy. Wiggle your toes. And what do you do to still your mind during the times that you are resting? Based on the Leary/Wilson model of the Eight Circuits of the Brain, in The Illuminati Papers, Robert Anton Wilson offers the following "Winner Scripts. (Anon. This simple word from Hindu philosophy, "aum" or "om," is three Sanskrit letters combined to form an approximation of all sound in the universe, and in a sense, the sound of the vibration of the universe itself. of others and for my highest good. Imagine the Church, as well, again on the defensive when learning that a concept of God is not necessary to explain the power of healing prayers. Andrew Weil writes about spontaneous healing. You have to have some idea of what your destination looks like, if only to point yourself in the right direction, and you have to steer your ship around obstacles on the path until you arrive. Breathing in oxygen in exchange for waste (carbon dioxide). Science journals document yogis controlling their body's autonomic systems. "Your resistance to Scientology is proof that your brain's conditioning is afraid of Scientology's powerful healing techniques." Everyone can talk to their individual DNA. When there’s something new going on in your life, try this method: don’t talk to anyone about it, even if you feel a great desire and need to share it with others. Unfold in perfect alignment. Interesting. But if you are on the path, like me, then you are still on your old familiar planet, and you still have concepts in your brain that may contradict the possibility of the fantastic reality promised by mystics, scientists and dreamers. It is an innate communication that can be easily achieved. Almost all cells in the human body contain your DNA (red blood cells, for example, do not contain DNA as there is no nucleus in the cell).